Friday, 27 May 2011

A minor bump!!

Yesterday's profit/loss: +£2.44
Day before Yesterday profit/loss: -£6.54

The last couple of days my trading has just gone completely kaput!!

I have had no confidence to enter trades and my perception on the market was all over the place.

At the moment I don't know why this is happening and I can only keep on trading to build experience and try to improve my view of the markets.

Being -£12 down a couple of days ago at one point, and -£10 down yesterday, my head has been all over the place and quite worryingly I found myself to be chasing my losses which was stupid. Fortunately I did not do any extra damage to my bank and managed to pull a bit of the loss back.

I must say a big thanks to the guys at TradeSharks blog for talking me down from doing anything stupid that I would regret when trading yesterday. Its great to chat to people online while trading as I have already found it a lonely place. I recommend you check it out ( - So thanks for your help guys!!

Anyway onwards and upwards!!

I may be trading the horses tomorrow as the past two Saturdays have been good for me but will have to see if I am doing anything else.

Good luck trading.

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